Originally posted on July 21, 2012 at 10:03am EST: I know this is going to sound random, but I just did a quick tarot reading for location and got the following:
- the number five -
two pillars or tall large in diametertree trunks without branches
until way up, creating the look and/or feel of a passage way between
them and a tree stump is between them - maybe its' used as a bench or
has been fashioned into one or is commonly used to sit on. - letter "b" feels like a first name initial - possible use of sign language (did the girls know the sign language alphabet? hm) - a man with a walking stick - a red shirt with white details - corn on the cob (fresh, maybe growing? or feed corn? pretty sure still growing) - a checkerboard (game or design) - F.F. (?? no idea) - possible overalls, carhart style
standing in the doorway "you can't go through" ----------- Also posted July 21, 2012: "I can hear the sound of wind whistling - not blowing or anything else,
WHISTLING, but it's not windy here. I hear a whistle though, and know
it's from wind. and I WANT OUT OF HERE I WANT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT" "i'm stuck. i got stuck between the skatepark and artbus, on the trail. there's a field between that and
fran street, which runs parallell. i'm stuck around there for whatever
reason. 42.463114,-92.282926" NOTE: Also of interest - Hanson lake. Very much so. ----------- Posted August 7, 2012: "all of my instincts tell me the girls are gone.
And WHERE is the cornfield that will help locate them?? I *know* there's a cornfield. I know it. *sigh*" ----------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: 12/6/2012 - Hunters have found two dead bodies in woods, believed to be Elizabeth and Lyric. Awaiting forensic ID - news conference later today.
UPDATE 12/7/2012 - This photo shows police officers walking near the Seven Bridges Wildlife area in Bremer county where the girls' bodies were found. Note what appears to be a cornfield taking up the right hand side of the screen.
NOTE: I believe now that my "man with a walking stick" may have really referred to a "man with a long thin item", i.e. a hunger with a shotgun, since the girls were found by hunters.
UPDATE: 12/7/12 6:45pm - this photo shows the two white sheets covering the remains where they were found in Seven Bridges Wildlife Area - note they are in a clearing between the trees:
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This Tarot reading was originally done on December 16, 2011.
This tarot reading is for Justin Brian Hall, 40, who has gone missing from Coconino county, Arizona. He has
been missing since Sept. 7, 2011; he was house-sitting at a residence on
Leupp Road near milepost 442, just west of the Navajo Reservation, in
Coconino, Arizona, when he disappeared.
------------------------------------------------- I
have asked tarot to please tell us "What happened to Justin Brian Hall,
and where is he now?". I have used the Major Arcana for this reading.
The card which tarot has given in response to this question is Number 3, The Empress.
The Empress sits upon a lavish couch/seat in the middle of the wilderness
and her robe appears to be decorated with many instances of something
that is red with black spots on top and white on the bottom. I am seeing
it as a mushroom today in my mind's eye, very clearly. ("Officially"
speaking, they are pomegranates.)
She wears a crown of stars*.
The scenery surrounding her is of both evergreens and deciduous trees, a
winding stream ending in a small waterfall, and browned grasses
underfoot (said to be a field of wheat). The sky is yellow, reminding me of sunrise or, even more so, of sunset. This is a very female-related card, but the overall sense I get from it in this reading is one of "Mother Nature".
refer to several guidebooks when interpreting tarot cards, as well as
relying on my gut instinct. One of my books regards this card as a sign
of "number of days" in regards to the questioned event.. while I did not
ask tarot when Justin would be found, I will note that this card's
number is 3 and that this card is said to represent "number of
days", because I wouldn't want to leave that information out and find
out later that it was relevant. Of course I do not know if this would be
"3 days from today" or "third day" of something, or what. This will
remain to be seen.
I will also note that the number 3 often indicates a situation involving more than one person.
The Empress card can indicate something "clandestine" as well.
card describes someone who is currently very thoughtful - it describes a
focus on "being" rather than "doing", and hints at a person who is
currently in between "projects" or "obsessions" .. someone who is
seeking something fulfilling/creative to spend their time and energy on
but who hasn't found that focus quite yet. There is a sense of wanting
to create something but not knowing what it is that the gut feeling is
telling them to do, which creates a sense of disease or feeling "antsy".
is going to be the relaxing, calming element that will be a response to
this urge to "do something" and may lead to a sense of inner
realization or deeper understanding of one's spiritual side.
may be a female connection here, and/or a relationship that needs to be
thought out, and a conclusion of "I have to stop worrying and go with
the flow on this situation" will be/will have been reached regarding
this situation that caused such introspection for awhile, but not
without spending a good bit of time holding back and "biting one's
tongue" first. There's a sense of not being able to really communicate
what's going on inside, and this causes feelings of frustration.
The Empress also indicates the thought of a move, but the choice to wait. There
is a definite outdoors and nature connection to this card, and the
sense of travel without travelling.. maybe going for a hike? A short day
trip that intends to end with returning home? But definitely some kind
of short travel is involved though it is definitely intended to end with
returning to the place where he left from (not a permanent move away).
could also be problems with paperwork, and the tendency to just deal
with it later isn't going to work this time. These papers should really
be looked at by a professional who will understand the full meaning of
them, or at least they need to be REALLY scrutinized.
The Empress
card can indicate that something has been overlooked which leads to a
delay in something. I have to wonder if some clue has been missed which
is causing a delay in locating Justin..
The Empress' sign is Venus which relates to love/intimacy/artistic talent. She is usually a sign of maternal love and fertility.
this card tells me of someone who is quietly dealing with
emotional/relationship questions that they are feeling, and who is
currently feeling the urge/need to be creative and/or be one with
nature. To me, in this particular reading, this card encompasses the
realm of emotions and thoughts and puts a back seat on actions.
almost want to interpret this tarot reading as "he has gone off to be
alone and think things through" but I don't know why that is my
overwhelming urge.
I hope that is true of course but I cannot
know for sure what has happened to Justin until he is found --
hopefully very soon, and safe. - JenniferB, December 16, 2011 ------------------------------------ The card I got when I read Justin's tarot for location was The Empress card, pictured here:
I posted the following comment regarding this reading on December 17, 2011: "I Think my "sunset" and "3" could refer to Sunset Crater Volcano
National Monument on Route 3, but it's an hour away by car so don't know
.." -------------- I posted the following comments regarding this reading on December 18, 2011: "It looks like she's sitting in that volcanic ash stuff..."
"Yesterday [December 17, 2011] I
felt frustrated and stuck ... and thought maybe I was empathing
"frustrated and stuck" [from Justin]. I kept staring at stuff [on the
map] that didn't make any sense to me, it looked like craters and ash
and sand. Turned out it WAS volcanic ash craters!! Today it looked much clearer to me than yesterday." --------------------------------------------------
I posted this December 24, 2011 at 11:30pm: "This photo gives me chills - it's description and captions say: "Finally, a road winds north from Sunset Crater toward Wupatki National
Monument; along this road, the Cinder Hills Overlook gives a look at
the northeast side of Sunset Crater, including the red-rock rim that
gave it its name." "Sunset Crater's northeastern side. A thousand years old, and the upper part of the cone is still bare rock."
now know the significance of the above post I made last December. The
northeastern side of Sunset Crater would have been perhaps the most
notable landmark from where Justin was recently found, as noted below. I
was not the only person working this case who asked Justin to show them
what he saw as if they were looking out of his eyes. I'm so very sorry
that I did not understand until it was too late.)
------------------------------------------------- UPDATES - November 29, 2012 - Justin's earthly remains have been found: "A skeleton found by a rancher northeast of Flagstaff has been identified as a man who went missing in September 2011. The remains were found over the weekend in the area of Roden Crater
outside Flagstaff. Coconino County Sheriff's Office officials say they
been identified as those of 40-year-old Justin Brian Hall."
---------------------------------------------------- His sister, Jenny Lynn Hall, has
been in close contact with me throughout Justin's disappearance and
eventual recovery. She shared the following information with me
regarding Justin's remains being discovered:
"He was found 12*
miles NW of where he was housesitting on a cattle ranch. It was a flat
area with a lot of bushes and very deep cinders, almost like walking
in snow. he had a small black backpack and a road map of the area where
he was found. He also had 2 head lights with him (you know the
flashlights you wear on your head). The coroner called us earlier and
said that they could not determine a cause of death from the remains."
I feel bad that I neglected to mention that traditionally there is
significance found in the 12 stars that make up The Empress' crown.
------------------------------------------------------ Other Misc. "hits" on this case:
December 24, 2011 I said that I had gotten a reference to "Eagle" from
Justin. Later the housemate he was house-sitting for replied that she
and Justin had rescued and helped to raise and rehab a baby golden
On December 20, 2011 I got "Holy shit, snow!" from Justin
strongly. Whether this was literal, or a reference to the cinders being
"as deep as snow" as his sister stated, I am unsure since there actually
was a ton of snow in that general part of Arizona last year.
----------------------------------------------------- This
blog content is copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be
reproduced in whole or in part without express permission by said
author, who can be contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if
Originally posted November 24, 2011: ___________________________________
What happened to Holly Bobo?
I selected only the
Major Arcana and began to shuffle while stating out loud that "this
tarot is for Holly Bobo". Before I could finish shuffling, or even
stating that fact, a card jumped out of my hands and landed face up
before me - Number 18, The Moon. I looked at the card and said "okay
then" and began.
This card shows a grassy rural area in the
foreground with a path leading to a hilly, then mountainous, area in the
background. It is a moonlit night; there is much dew. There are two
towers midway between the foreground and background, one to the left and
one to the right. A dog bays at the moon on the left as a wolf on the
right does the same. The foremost part of the image has a rather still
looking body of water with a few grasses and rocks lining the edge and a
large crayfish emerging onto land.
This card is number 18 and 1+8 = 9; so, the number 18 or number 9 may be significant here.
card gives a sense of foreboding and dread, which could mean that Holly
had a bad feeling relating to the person or situation which led to her
disappearance. This card also implies deception, usually relating to
that which one is most focused on in their life at the time.. I would
read this to mean that somebody tricked Holly in a way that had to do
with her studying to be a nurse. It also indicates that she received
distressing news about someone she cared about.
It is possible,
with this card, that Holly had an inner sense of conflict in that she
wanted very much to accomplish her dream of getting her nursing degree
but had a deep-rooted feeling that she would not be able to do so
without something getting in her way and fouling things up for her.
Moon card, to me, says that Holly experienced a huge, crushing sense of
disillusionment and disappointment in one of her close relationships;
she thought that "this one's a keeper" and was blindsided by the fact
that she had been mistaken. Her emotional response may have been one of
utter devastation, as it will be such an unexpected person to have let
her down. She may have recently had a date or other get together with
this person or people and come away from it feeling as if she had been
seeing things as she had wanted them to be, not as they truly were,
until now.
This card implies that Holly was surprised or caught
off guard while at work, and suggests an altercation taking place. It
further suggests that Holly struggled with her desire and urge to try to
help someone to become a better person, someone who Holly felt had an
"inner light" that was being blocked, perhaps by "bad" behavior. There
is a lot of conflict in this card, and it is said that much emotional
control is required to have a good outcome in the face of The Moon -
thankfully this card contains the indication that Holly would do so
masterfully, being able to separate in her own mind what was happening
to her from what she needed to do and say for her own safety. She may
formulate an elaborate plan in her mind while pretending to go along
with people around her, biding her time.
Also contained in this
card is the idea that Holly went on a trip that she may have initially
thought would be pleasurable but which she regretted almost instantly
and which would test her emotional and perhaps physical strength for a
prolonged period of time. It also indicates that she will endure very
confusing, unpleasant, and even disturbing and threatening circumstances
during this trip/time away, and her time there will be riddled with
unforseen problems. This card suggests that Holly would be emotionally
overwhelmed for a time, and unable to deal with it all.
Moon card suggests that Holly may have had a period of time before or
during her disappearance where she slept and/or ate more or differently
than usual - this could be due to depression, drugs, or even pregnancy
(though I don't think that's true in her case). This card also indicates
that Holly would suffer from "muddled thinking", as well as have a
mental struggle with confusing, disjointed bits of information but would
eventually make sense of things and overcome the situation just as she
is about to give up.
Interestingly, The Moon card suggests that
Holly may have had feelings of dread or foreboding/premonitions of what
was going to happen before it even occurred, and that she may have had
problems sleeping or perhaps have had nightmares about being kidnapped
and/or having other bad things happen to her prior to her disappearance.
She may have been uncertain about or felt disillusioned about someone
she had thought was a friend or lover and have been unable to sort out
her feelings. When an unexpected caller arrived she was not pleased to
see them, as a result of these conflicted feelings.
The best part
of this card is that it says very much that after a major crisis event,
despair over old wounds or grudges will cease to exist, and Holly will
see the bright light of a new day. This will occur as the result of a
new group effort of some sort, or as the result of her making a new
friend and/or the result of some fortunate coincidences that occur when
dealing with a stranger.
A challenge will have to be encountered
and surmounted by Holly in order for her to greet this new day, and it
will require a "strong will and strength of character" on Holly's part.
She will have to take a very neutral, middle path in order to emerge
from her situation safely. We will find that something we thought was
hopeless and/or lost or impossible to get back will in fact be
retrieved. After a period of despair and devastation, a happy ending
will be accomplished.
----------------- Since Holly has not yet been found, I have bolded the information from the reading that seems most pertinent at this time.
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copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be reproduced in
whole or in part without express permission by said author, who can be
contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if necessary.
used only the Major Arcana for this reading. I began by shuffling the
cards and asking "Where is Karen Johnson Swift? What happened to Karen?"
and as I continued to shuffle and look at her picture, one card fell
Number 5: The Hierophant (otherwise known as the
High Priest or Spiritual Father).
This male religious leader sits on a
throne between two pillars and holds a triple-cross tipped scepter in
his left hand while making the age-old sign for esotericism with his
right hand. Two balding men of the church kneel before him, and two keys
are laid out crossed before him. He wears a triple crown and his robe
has three crosses down the front. His shoes each have a cross as well.
It seems the numbers 2, 3, and 5 may be significant.
the very basic sense, The Hierophant signifies the man who the subject
of the question "answers to". Because the subject of this question is
married, the Hierophant in this case would most likely signify her
This card also signifies, in it's most basic sense: marriage and alliance; servitude and captivity.
The Hierophant is a card whose focus is on change, challenge, and groups/organizations and structures, including the family structure; also new thinking, new opportunities,
and the search for understanding and Truth. This card indicates that
someone found a great deal of pleasure/satisfaction in their new-found
spiritual insight, enjoyed talking to and offering advice to others, and
gaining insight into situations via "unconventional" means.
card indicates that someone was looking to "unbind the bonds" the
restrict them or stop them from getting what they want. They are
unfulfilled in their relationship and feel deeply dissatisfied. A
conflict will arise between this person and a loved one which they will
not want to have to deal with, and this person will want above all else
to keep the peace within the family and not "make waves". This will
cause deep anxiety within this person, but they will deal with the
conflict head on, initially trying to deal with it alone but eventually
reaching out to others for help and guidance in the matter at hand.
has again entered their life but they chose to abandon the budding
relationship rather than choosing to settle for a love that would be
superficial rather than deep and enduring; they would rather do without
than settle again.
The Hierophant also shows that someone is
surprised and disappointed by a business venture that didn't pan out,
despite trying to establish some sort of outside partnership that they
expected to be beneficial. They will begin to question whether their
work has value, and they may feel overwhelmed and be "this close" to
quitting, but won't. Money that is owed probably won't be paid, due to
someone giving the runaraound to someone else, but it won't "make or
break" them.
This person has found an end to the complications at
their work, but in doing so a potential partnership with another
business was ended. However, they have moved on to working hard towards
their next business venture and haven't looked back.
This card
suggests that travel may be thought necessary in order to get one's
needs expressed and heard, but also suggests confusion regarding travel
plans. There are also unforeseen obstacles regarding medical or family
institutions in this card, and a letter or bill relating to one of those
things upset someone.
The Hierophant card also states that someone suffered shortness of breath, respiratory problems, or chest pains.
worst part of this card, for me, is this direct quote from Nancy Garen
(a tarot book author) regarding this card - "You are going to get a very
unexpected and upsetting phone call, and if you were anticipating the arrival of a loved one, you are going to be disappointed."
Obviously with a missing person, this is accurate.. but we can't forget
the idea that perhaps she got an upsetting phone call that night.
The second worst is another direct quote - "Don't allow yourself to be pulled under or overcome." This paints a mental image that is ugly I'm afraid, though I know it wasn't written that way..
The Hierophant does go on to tell us that someone will be gifted with
great spiritual insight, and will gain great insight into a situation
that had been previously a mystery; someone will have an opportunity to
teach others, and their greatest achievements will come via
"unestablished sources".
(Perhaps Karen was a believer in the supernatural and will be a great psychic help from beyond, now or someday in the future?)
------------ UPDATE: December 13, 2011 - Karen Johnson Swift's body was found in kudzu weeds at Bledsoe cemetery, known as "cross bluff" to some locals because of the large crosses that stand out against the landscape.
Her body was three miles from her car, which had slashed tires. (This explains tarot's reference to "travel" and "confusion regarding travel" - it would likely be a confusing situation to be driving in your vehicle that was fine earlier in the night, only to find yourself driving on flat tires after a short way.) ------------ As I commented on December 14, 2011:
"Amazing, tarot mentioned a holy man and holy men bowing before him and it was the cemetery's church pastor who found her body.
Also I, for some unknown reason, took great pains to describe all the crosses on the card -- she was found near a cross.
also noted something about teaching, being a teacher.. an article I
read about Karen said she had been teaching classes at a local community
center (or some such place) and they have since been discontinued since
she was "irreplaceable"." -----------------------------------------------------
This blog content is
copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be reproduced in
whole or in part without express permission by said author, who can be
contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if necessary.
Marble "Ace" Arvidson disappeared from Brattleboro, VT just prior to, or during, Hurricane Irene sweeping through on August 27, 2011.
Asking the tarot where Ace is and requesting information to be in the
form of "how far in relation to where you were last seen on Marlboro and
Western ave" I had the Knight of Cups jump from the deck while
Cups are water.
Cups are west.
Knights signify long-term conditions suddenly changing; a new situation emerging or an old situation ending.
This card's scenery is of a brown ground (dirt, mud,
drought-ridden grass?) with a stream or creek winding through it,
meandering almost, with brown rocky mountains/hills in the background
and some trees at the foot of the hills/mountains. Not evergreen,
but rather deciduous trees that lose their leaves in autumn.
The knight and his white horse face right/eastward. This knight
has wings on his helmet and on his boots, which reminds me of the "Air"
card which was the Fool, and makes me think again of falling through
air, or wind.
He also has three red fish on his clothing, indicating water.
The sky in this picture is curiously all white (like the horse) - no clouds, no dark night, no sunny day.
The Knight of Cups has a focus on friends, social
situations, and travel as well as educational advances. It also
indicates a desire to change residence, and often indicates a sudden
change of environment. It also mentions a surprising budding romance,
and suggests a person who might be thinking differently than usual due
to this new romantic mindset.
Very interestingly, a reference guide I am looking at which I
have owned for some 20 plus years specifically says, and I quote, "watch
out for small accidents around the house... pay attention."
It may mean nothing but this card also suggests that someone may
spend some time in the home of a relative, or may spend time
housesitting for someone.
Also, the Knight of Cups definitely suggests a social
invitation/gathering, and once again it brings up the idea of getting
together with someone to collect on money owed.
This card generally suggests changes in living situation but
they are supposed to be positive changes that will offer advancement in
this person's life, and particularly have to do with education.
Another strange and somewhat startling direct quote from a
manual which I refer to from time to time on tarot readings is a
reference to "a bridge over troubled water". I believe that in this
particular reading the reference is literal.
This card most definitely suggests leaving home willingly, a
tie-in to collecting money owed and a social situation, advancement in
education, and again bridge/water concerns. The scenery again reflects
the area which he likely is in (mountains, stream, muddy looking
HOWEVER, I asked tarot to specifically give me a card to which I
could look to find information specific to WHERE ACE IS NOW in reference
to the Marlboro/Western Ave area. So I have to look more closely at
this card.
Cups are a female element as well as "west", and "water", as I
said. But this card has no number on it so I have to look more deeply.
Since the knight falls after page, and page falls after 10, I
could hypothesize that this knight card could mean "12" for the purposes
of this reading and the question that I asked (and how I asked it),
which could indicate 12 miles to the west. But of course having no
background experience with this location method that I'm trying to work
out, I cannot possibly know if this has relevance at this time.
Since Marble (Ace) hasn't been found yet, it's difficult if not impossible to know what parts of my reading have the most relevance, so for now the bolded items in the reading above
are things that I feel strongly about. -----------------------------------------------------
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copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be reproduced in
whole or in part without express permission by said author, who can be
contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if necessary.
Originally posted January 23, 2012: _______________________________
This tarot card reading is for Lauren Spierer.
I am using the Major
Arcana for this reading. I have asked for tarot and Lauren to please
give me the card that will most accurately help to show us where
Lauren's earthly body is at this time.
The card that I have drawn is Number 19 - The Sun.
The Sun card
shows first and foremost the sun, center and filling the top third of
the card. It has a pleasant face and 21 rays alternating wavy and
straight, wavy and straight. For some reason I'm taking special note of
the number of rays.. The sun is yellow and the sky behind it is a teal
blue without clouds. The rest of the card consists of entirely
foreground - there is no "distant" background to speak of. The
foreground shows a naked child riding a white horse while carrying a
very long bright red flag. The child has a red feather in it's hair and
has blonde curls.
Behind the child on the horse is a wall as tall as the top of
the horse's head, appearing to be cinderblock or brick or wood - a solid
material with small striations or grooves and no spaces in between. This could also be stacks of haybales.
A.E. Waite has suggested that behind this wall is a garden (ca. 1910).
Supporting this notion are four giant sunflowers growing behind
the wall, their fat green leaves cascading over the top of it. The child
has a smile on his/her face and has his/her arms open wide, right hand
empty and left holding the flagpole with the long red flag on it.
The Sun card is said to represent "the passing from the manifest
light of this world... to the light of the world to come" as well as
one who has the innocent, pure, loving heart of a child. (A.E. Waite,
ca. 1910)
The Sun card is Number 19 and 1+9 =10 (and 1+0=1) So the numbers
0,1, 10, 19, or 9 may be important here (especially ONE and NINETEEN, I
have a "gut feeling").
Now, when doing readings for LOCATION I have to be careful
not to read the card for other, different information, such as the
CIRCUMSTANCES under which someone went missing. But from time to time a
certain word or phrase will jump out at me from my favorite tarot
guidebook, and I will include it anyway because of the intense feeling I
get inside me when I read it in connection to a case.
In this particular case, that has happened -- "your psychic ability will be impeded"....
I am not entirely certain why this jumps out at me but I do know
that when I initially read the missing poster and brief initial summary of this case, I
got a great sense of "blackness" surrounding the entire case.. one
which I have found it somewhat difficult to penetrate, which is part of
the reason I felt compelled to do a tarot reading rather than trying to
just "get" stuff by looking into Lauren's lovely eyes. I'm hoping to get
more information this way than I was able to that way.
I definitely need to note that The Sun card is a Fire card - THE
Fire card, perhaps - and Fire = South (I would be willing to guess DUE
south is a real possibility with this card)*.
(In my readings I always ask where someone's earthly body is in
relation to where they went missing/ their last known location, so we
can guess this would be south of where Lauren went missing.)
SO we have numbers 1 and 19 (and perhaps 0, 9, and/or 10) AND perhaps 21 (21 rays to the sun) and the direction South
all as being significant in relation to finding Lauren... I hope and
PRAY that tarot is right and her family and loved ones can have some
sort of resolution to this nightmare soon. ________________________
The bolded items in the reading above
are things that I feel strongly about. I have done some mapwork on this
case and will update this page with images shortly.
* It is important to note that as soon as I wrote the phrase about hitting a "psychic block", my entire tarot reading session began to peter out, and fade away into nothingness. I am not confident in my assessment of this being related to the SOUTHERN direction in retrospect, based on both feedback by a particular very good tarot readers who specializes in missing persons cases, as well as the fact that when I read that part now it feels "off" to me. Therefor, I would pay attention to the reading pertaining to the description of the card itself and the numerology aspects and disregard the possible direction involved. ----------------------------------------------------- This blog content is
copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be reproduced in
whole or in part without express permission by said author, who can be
contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if necessary.
Kyron Horman is a boy who vanished from Skyline School in Portland, Oregon on June 4, 2010 at the age of 7. His
disappearance prompted the largest search in state history, but he was
never found.
So, I have asked Tarot - "What happened to Kyron Horman?"
Originally posted November 26, 2011. ---------------------------------- I used only the
Major Arcana for this reading. I began by shuffling the cards and asking
"what happened to Kyron Horman?" I continued to shuffle until one
card flipped over in my hands - Number 11: Justice.
The Justice
card shows a youthful crowned figure (a long-haired male) sitting on a
modest throne with a sword upheld in his right hand and the scales of
justice held in his left hand.
This card is number 11 and 1+1=2 so numbers 11 and/or 2 may be significant here. The
number 2 can indicate that some useful information may be gathered in
the short term, but that a waiting period will be necessary before more
information is forthcoming. Also a reconciliation with an element of
surprise could be indicated here.
The Justice card indicates a goal-oriented focus
regarding legal matters and settlements, money/income, manipulation of
cause and effect situations (not necessarily in a bad way), and also
regarding one's understanding of and relationship with destiny/a higher
power in their life.
This card refers to someone who is looking
for an outlet to express their emotions and lacks fulfillment on a
personal level due to a sense of "something missing". This is a person
who is seeking to rejuvenate or fix a "problem area" in their lives,
and/or who is working hard to bring a dream or idea into
fruition/reality. This person is currently or has recently (as of the
time Kyron went missing) been mentally assessing their relationship/love
life and has come to the realization that they tend towards quantity rather than quality, and is now seeking to change this about themselves.
card suggests that this person came across or inherited a "new element"
or business lead which this person felt was "just what they needed" to
bring new life into their plan or endeavor, and an agreement may have
been made or contract signed to this effect.
The Justice card
also indicates that someone was having money problems and was perhaps
living paycheck to paycheck (while having recurring worries about their
job stability due to someone giving the impression that their work is
inferior or job is at stake). The job environment is difficult for a
time but there is nothing to do but wait it out.
Just when it
seems expenses are hiding around every corner, this person will be/
would have been surprised to come into some money, or to find that
expected money had arrived sooner than promised. In the long term
accounts will be paid up and all money issues will be solved with cash
to spare but the sense of having something missing will remain.
Justice card insists that this person is the one who holds the key to
arighting this situation - they hold all the answers. Change may come to
their lives in the meantime, but they will live in the shadow of
isolation and unhappiness due to this essential missing ingredient.
Thankfully, the Justice card shows that this person will succeed in
recognizing the error in their ways and will do the right thing in the
This card suggests that someone was made to feel defenseless
and vulnerable, and that he no longer wanted to live at home. He would
have wanted to instead "begin a new life elsewhere". It shows that he
would have been gradually spending more time away from home which would
have helped to satisfy his desire to move away, but he would still be
deeply convinced of his desire to move away. It also shows that someone
felt that destiny has been repeatedly "unfair" to them.
Justice card also refers to having problems with teeth, and to a
kind-hearted and helpful doctor. Somebody will do a charitable deed.
card also indicates that beneficial information will be received
through a phone call, and that he who receives the call will not only
learn from it, but also share something of benefit. Unsolicited
assistance from others will be received, and a stroke of luck will lead
to the discovery of a valuable piece of information.
The Justice
card implies that someone is glad to have the courage to stand up for
themselves and their rights, and the opportunity to resolve their
disputes. Someone will be receiving much mail regarding an impending
lawsuit, and there will be a divorce in the family.
A cycle has
ended and a new one is about to begin. Time is key to understanding, and
we can only wait for it to take its course. But be assured that things
are being resolved one by one and the rough times are coming to a close.
-------------------------------------- Because Kyron has not yet been located, it is difficult if not impossible to "bold" the most relevant information in the reading above. For now I have left the most important, enduring elements of the card bolded, as well as the few things that can be validated thus far. --------------------------------------
UPDATE: June 1, 2012 - Kyron Horman's mother, Desiree Young filed a Ten Million Dollar lawsuit against Terri Moulton Horman, Kyron's step-mother at the time of his disappearance.
This sheds some light into Tarot's statement regarding someone receiving much mail about an impending lawsuit.
------------------------------------------------------ This
blog content is copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be
reproduced in whole or in part without express permission by said
author, who can be contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if
This tarot reading is for the benefit of locating missing teacher Sherry
Arnold, who was last seen jogging in the early morning of January 7,
2012 in Sidney, Montana. It was done and originally published on another site on January 11, 2012 (1:04pm).
I am using the Major Arcana for this
reading, and have asked Sherry to please help me choose the card that
would most accurately help describe where she is located at this moment
in time.
Before I go into the reading, I wonder aloud whether
Sherry was a card player, because I felt strongly that she was waiting
for me to stop shuffling the cards the way I do it, and start to REALLY
shuffle the cards like you would with poker cards, for example. I felt
like she was waiting for me to "stop cutting the cards over and over"
and really shuffle already, it was sort of amusing to me. So I wonder
that out loud because I have no idea about Sherry other than that she is
missing and a shoe has been found.
So, the card that Tarot has given us is Number 5 - The Hierophant. This card shows a holy man sitting on a throne between two pillars. He is wearing a red holy robe with white trim that has three
crosses down the front and a tiny diamond shape at the bottom. He wears
shoes that are white and each has a cross on it as well. There are two keys laying on the ground in front of him, crossed. He has a triple
crown on his head He holds a staff in his left hand and holds his right
hand up, making the sign for esotericism (this is what I have read that
it symbolizes, but what it looks like to the eye is two fingers sticking up and the rest folded down).
There are two
balding men kneeling before him, said to be ministers, each wearing an
ornately designed shirt with what looks like tan overalls from behind. One has a white collar and one has a blue collar.
There are two strips of black and white checkerboard patterned areas on the floor outside of the holy man's feet.
Hierophant is said to be related to the sign of Taurus, which is an
earth sign. Generally speaking I understand earth to mean "east" but in
this case I believe we need to look northeast. Northeast of WHAT is the
question, but if I relate this information to my initial vision that I
received when looking into Sherry's eyes, I would have to say that
"northeast" may generally correspond to my vision of a patch of brush
that was "straight ahead and to the right". To really understand this,
one would have to refer to Sherry's thread here, but I'm sure most
everyone reading this blog will have already done that so it shouldn't
be a problem!
Also I believe that this card may indicate
breathing issues and/or chest pain, but I have to be careful not to read
this card for information other than that which I asked it to give me,
which was in this case "Where is Sherry's earthly body located at this
What I take away from this reading is that the numbers 2, 3, and 5 may be important here,
and that a church property or other religious or "sacred" property or
person of some sort (or even one of those crosses on the side of the
road to indicate that someone has died there) could have significance in
her current location as well. This could include a cemetery. Also, the direction east or northeast could be significant.
I also want to note that I have done readings with this card before but
have never before found myself noticing and focusing so much on the
little diamond on his robe, nor especially on the checkerboard pattern
on the floor (which immediately reminded me of an automobile racing
flag, which made me think of someone driving at a high rate of speed).
hope this can help in some way and regardless, above all else, I hope
that Sherry is found very quickly so that her family can be relieved of
this terrible sense of not knowing.
edit: I should add that the staff in his right hand has a triple cross on it (another reference to the number 3). I
likewise have never noticed that one of the ministers has a blue collar
and one a white collar before, so this could be significant as well.
I did a lot of mapwork on this case. I don't do dowsing or pendulum work, I simply study maps and see if there is any place that I am pulled, or where I feel I get "stuck" and keep going back to, or can't seem to move past. This is one of the cases where the mapwork has felt very intense. I posted this map of a location that I felt strongly about for Sherry on January 11, 2012 (7:33pm) - it is the blue marker at 298 E Holly Street: UPDATE 1/13/2012 - I just
found out that her shoe was found near or or near Route 351, northeast
of the city center (all I had to go on when doing mapwork in
this case was the name of the city where she was abducted). UPDATE 1/18/2012 - The yellow pin on the map above is at 900 E Holly Street - Police reports released on January 18, 2011 stated for the first time that they thought Sherry was abducted near 900 E.Holly
St. which is also where the shoe was found, as it turns out.
The distance between my location and the actual abduction location, according to google maps, is .5 miles.
--------------------------- UPDATE: Photo of suspects who were arrested in Sherry's kidnapping and murder: (note one white collar and one blue collar) ------------------------------------------------------ This
blog content is copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be
reproduced in whole or in part without express permission by said
author, who can be contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if