Originally posted on July 21, 2012 at 10:03am EST:
I know this is going to sound random, but I just did a quick tarot reading for location and got the following:
- the number five
- two pillars or tall large in diameter tree trunks without branches until way up, creating the look and/or feel of a passage way between them and a tree stump is between them - maybe its' used as a bench or has been fashioned into one or is commonly used to sit on.
- letter "b" feels like a first name initial
- possible use of sign language (did the girls know the sign language alphabet? hm)
- a man with a walking stick
- a red shirt with white details
- corn on the cob (fresh, maybe growing? or feed corn? pretty sure still growing)
- a checkerboard (game or design)
- F.F. (?? no idea)
- possible overalls, carhart style
standing in the doorway "you can't go through"
Also posted July 21, 2012:
"I can hear the sound of wind whistling - not blowing or anything else, WHISTLING, but it's not windy here. I hear a whistle though, and know it's from wind. and I WANT OUT OF HERE I WANT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT"
"i'm stuck. i got stuck between the skatepark and artbus, on the trail. there's a field between that and fran street, which runs parallell. i'm stuck around there for whatever reason. 42.463114,-92.282926"
NOTE: Also of interest - Hanson lake. Very much so.
Posted August 7, 2012:
"all of my instincts tell me the girls are gone.
And WHERE is the cornfield that will help locate them?? I *know* there's a cornfield. I know it. *sigh*"
UPDATE: 12/6/2012 - Hunters have found two dead bodies in woods, believed to be Elizabeth and Lyric. Awaiting forensic ID - news conference later today.
NOTE - It has been five months since the girls went missing.
Initial reports has them being found in the woods.
UPDATE 12/7/2012 - This photo shows police officers walking near the Seven Bridges Wildlife area in Bremer county where the girls' bodies were found. Note what appears to be a cornfield taking up the right hand side of the screen.
(source: http://www.seattlepi.com/news/us/article/Families-community-reeling-from-discovered-bodies-4098588.php )
Another shot, this one courtesy of @markwcarlson on Twitter at

NOTE: I believe now that my "man with a walking stick" may have really referred to a "man with a long thin item", i.e. a hunger with a shotgun, since the girls were found by hunters.
UPDATE: 12/7/12 6:45pm - this photo shows the two white sheets covering the remains where they were found in Seven Bridges Wildlife Area - note they are in a clearing between the trees:

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