What happened to Holly Bobo?
I selected only the Major Arcana and began to shuffle while stating out loud that "this tarot is for Holly Bobo". Before I could finish shuffling, or even stating that fact, a card jumped out of my hands and landed face up before me - Number 18, The Moon. I looked at the card and said "okay then" and began.
This card shows a grassy rural area in the foreground with a path leading to a hilly, then mountainous, area in the background. It is a moonlit night; there is much dew. There are two towers midway between the foreground and background, one to the left and one to the right. A dog bays at the moon on the left as a wolf on the right does the same. The foremost part of the image has a rather still looking body of water with a few grasses and rocks lining the edge and a large crayfish emerging onto land.
This card is number 18 and 1+8 = 9; so, the number 18 or number 9 may be significant here.
This card gives a sense of foreboding and dread, which could mean that Holly had a bad feeling relating to the person or situation which led to her disappearance. This card also implies deception, usually relating to that which one is most focused on in their life at the time.. I would read this to mean that somebody tricked Holly in a way that had to do with her studying to be a nurse. It also indicates that she received distressing news about someone she cared about.
It is possible, with this card, that Holly had an inner sense of conflict in that she wanted very much to accomplish her dream of getting her nursing degree but had a deep-rooted feeling that she would not be able to do so without something getting in her way and fouling things up for her.
The Moon card, to me, says that Holly experienced a huge, crushing sense of disillusionment and disappointment in one of her close relationships; she thought that "this one's a keeper" and was blindsided by the fact that she had been mistaken. Her emotional response may have been one of utter devastation, as it will be such an unexpected person to have let her down. She may have recently had a date or other get together with this person or people and come away from it feeling as if she had been seeing things as she had wanted them to be, not as they truly were, until now.
This card implies that Holly was surprised or caught off guard while at work, and suggests an altercation taking place. It further suggests that Holly struggled with her desire and urge to try to help someone to become a better person, someone who Holly felt had an "inner light" that was being blocked, perhaps by "bad" behavior.
There is a lot of conflict in this card, and it is said that much emotional control is required to have a good outcome in the face of The Moon - thankfully this card contains the indication that Holly would do so masterfully, being able to separate in her own mind what was happening to her from what she needed to do and say for her own safety. She may formulate an elaborate plan in her mind while pretending to go along with people around her, biding her time.
Also contained in this card is the idea that Holly went on a trip that she may have initially thought would be pleasurable but which she regretted almost instantly and which would test her emotional and perhaps physical strength for a prolonged period of time. It also indicates that she will endure very confusing, unpleasant, and even disturbing and threatening circumstances during this trip/time away, and her time there will be riddled with unforseen problems. This card suggests that Holly would be emotionally overwhelmed for a time, and unable to deal with it all.
The Moon card suggests that Holly may have had a period of time before or during her disappearance where she slept and/or ate more or differently than usual - this could be due to depression, drugs, or even pregnancy (though I don't think that's true in her case). This card also indicates that Holly would suffer from "muddled thinking", as well as have a mental struggle with confusing, disjointed bits of information but would eventually make sense of things and overcome the situation just as she is about to give up.
Interestingly, The Moon card suggests that Holly may have had feelings of dread or foreboding/premonitions of what was going to happen before it even occurred, and that she may have had problems sleeping or perhaps have had nightmares about being kidnapped and/or having other bad things happen to her prior to her disappearance. She may have been uncertain about or felt disillusioned about someone she had thought was a friend or lover and have been unable to sort out her feelings. When an unexpected caller arrived she was not pleased to see them, as a result of these conflicted feelings.
The best part of this card is that it says very much that after a major crisis event, despair over old wounds or grudges will cease to exist, and Holly will see the bright light of a new day. This will occur as the result of a new group effort of some sort, or as the result of her making a new friend and/or the result of some fortunate coincidences that occur when dealing with a stranger.
A challenge will have to be encountered and surmounted by Holly in order for her to greet this new day, and it will require a "strong will and strength of character" on Holly's part. She will have to take a very neutral, middle path in order to emerge from her situation safely. We will find that something we thought was hopeless and/or lost or impossible to get back will in fact be retrieved. After a period of despair and devastation, a happy ending will be accomplished.
Since Holly has not yet been found, I have bolded the information from the reading that seems most pertinent at this time.
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