Kyron Horman is a boy who vanished from Skyline School in Portland, Oregon on June 4, 2010 at the age of 7. His disappearance prompted the largest search in state history, but he was never found.
So, I have asked Tarot - "What happened to Kyron Horman?"
Originally posted November 26, 2011.
I used only the Major Arcana for this reading. I began by shuffling the cards and asking "what happened to Kyron Horman?" I continued to shuffle until one card flipped over in my hands - Number 11: Justice.
The Justice card shows a youthful crowned figure (a long-haired male) sitting on a modest throne with a sword upheld in his right hand and the scales of justice held in his left hand.
This card is number 11 and 1+1=2 so numbers 11 and/or 2 may be significant here.
The number 2 can indicate that some useful information may be gathered in the short term, but that a waiting period will be necessary before more information is forthcoming. Also a reconciliation with an element of surprise could be indicated here.
The Justice card indicates a goal-oriented focus regarding legal matters and settlements, money/income, manipulation of cause and effect situations (not necessarily in a bad way), and also regarding one's understanding of and relationship with destiny/a higher power in their life.
This card refers to someone who is looking for an outlet to express their emotions and lacks fulfillment on a personal level due to a sense of "something missing". This is a person who is seeking to rejuvenate or fix a "problem area" in their lives, and/or who is working hard to bring a dream or idea into fruition/reality. This person is currently or has recently (as of the time Kyron went missing) been mentally assessing their relationship/love life and has come to the realization that they tend towards quantity rather than quality, and is now seeking to change this about themselves.
This card suggests that this person came across or inherited a "new element" or business lead which this person felt was "just what they needed" to bring new life into their plan or endeavor, and an agreement may have been made or contract signed to this effect.
The Justice card also indicates that someone was having money problems and was perhaps living paycheck to paycheck (while having recurring worries about their job stability due to someone giving the impression that their work is inferior or job is at stake). The job environment is difficult for a time but there is nothing to do but wait it out.
Just when it seems expenses are hiding around every corner, this person will be/ would have been surprised to come into some money, or to find that expected money had arrived sooner than promised. In the long term accounts will be paid up and all money issues will be solved with cash to spare but the sense of having something missing will remain.
The Justice card insists that this person is the one who holds the key to arighting this situation - they hold all the answers. Change may come to their lives in the meantime, but they will live in the shadow of isolation and unhappiness due to this essential missing ingredient. Thankfully, the Justice card shows that this person will succeed in recognizing the error in their ways and will do the right thing in the end.
This card suggests that someone was made to feel defenseless and vulnerable, and that he no longer wanted to live at home. He would have wanted to instead "begin a new life elsewhere". It shows that he would have been gradually spending more time away from home which would have helped to satisfy his desire to move away, but he would still be deeply convinced of his desire to move away. It also shows that someone felt that destiny has been repeatedly "unfair" to them.
The Justice card also refers to having problems with teeth, and to a kind-hearted and helpful doctor. Somebody will do a charitable deed.
This card also indicates that beneficial information will be received through a phone call, and that he who receives the call will not only learn from it, but also share something of benefit. Unsolicited assistance from others will be received, and a stroke of luck will lead to the discovery of a valuable piece of information.
The Justice card implies that someone is glad to have the courage to stand up for themselves and their rights, and the opportunity to resolve their disputes. Someone will be receiving much mail regarding an impending lawsuit, and there will be a divorce in the family.
A cycle has ended and a new one is about to begin. Time is key to understanding, and we can only wait for it to take its course. But be assured that things are being resolved one by one and the rough times are coming to a close.
Because Kyron has not yet been located, it is difficult if not impossible to "bold" the most relevant information in the reading above. For now I have left the most important, enduring elements of the card bolded, as well as the few things that can be validated thus far.
UPDATE: June 1, 2012 - Kyron Horman's mother, Desiree Young filed a Ten Million Dollar lawsuit against Terri Moulton Horman, Kyron's step-mother at the time of his disappearance.
This sheds some light into Tarot's statement regarding someone receiving much mail about an impending lawsuit.
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