I am using the Major Arcana for this reading, and have asked Sherry to please help me choose the card that would most accurately help describe where she is located at this moment in time.
Before I go into the reading, I wonder aloud whether Sherry was a card player, because I felt strongly that she was waiting for me to stop shuffling the cards the way I do it, and start to REALLY shuffle the cards like you would with poker cards, for example. I felt like she was waiting for me to "stop cutting the cards over and over" and really shuffle already, it was sort of amusing to me. So I wonder that out loud because I have no idea about Sherry other than that she is missing and a shoe has been found.
So, the card that Tarot has given us is Number 5 - The Hierophant. This card shows a holy man sitting on a throne between two pillars.
He is wearing a red holy robe with white trim that has three crosses down the front and a tiny diamond shape at the bottom. He wears shoes that are white and each has a cross on it as well. There are two keys laying on the ground in front of him, crossed. He has a triple crown on his head He holds a staff in his left hand and holds his right hand up, making the sign for esotericism (this is what I have read that it symbolizes, but what it looks like to the eye is two fingers sticking up and the rest folded down).
There are two balding men kneeling before him, said to be ministers, each wearing an ornately designed shirt with what looks like tan overalls from behind. One has a white collar and one has a blue collar.
There are two strips of black and white checkerboard patterned areas on the floor outside of the holy man's feet.
The Hierophant is said to be related to the sign of Taurus, which is an earth sign. Generally speaking I understand earth to mean "east" but in this case I believe we need to look northeast. Northeast of WHAT is the question, but if I relate this information to my initial vision that I received when looking into Sherry's eyes, I would have to say that "northeast" may generally correspond to my vision of a patch of brush that was "straight ahead and to the right". To really understand this, one would have to refer to Sherry's thread here, but I'm sure most everyone reading this blog will have already done that so it shouldn't be a problem!
Also I believe that this card may indicate breathing issues and/or chest pain, but I have to be careful not to read this card for information other than that which I asked it to give me, which was in this case "Where is Sherry's earthly body located at this time?"
What I take away from this reading is that the numbers 2, 3, and 5 may be important here, and that a church property or other religious or "sacred" property or person of some sort (or even one of those crosses on the side of the road to indicate that someone has died there) could have significance in her current location as well. This could include a cemetery. Also, the direction east or northeast could be significant. I also want to note that I have done readings with this card before but have never before found myself noticing and focusing so much on the little diamond on his robe, nor especially on the checkerboard pattern on the floor (which immediately reminded me of an automobile racing flag, which made me think of someone driving at a high rate of speed).
I hope this can help in some way and regardless, above all else, I hope that Sherry is found very quickly so that her family can be relieved of this terrible sense of not knowing.
I should add that the staff in his right hand has a triple cross on it (another reference to the number 3). I likewise have never noticed that one of the ministers has a blue collar and one a white collar before, so this could be significant as well.
I did a lot of mapwork on this case. I don't do dowsing or pendulum work, I simply study maps and see if there is any place that I am pulled, or where I feel I get "stuck" and keep going back to, or can't seem to move past. This is one of the cases where the mapwork has felt very intense. I posted this map of a location that I felt strongly about for Sherry on January 11, 2012 (7:33pm) - it is the blue marker at 298 E Holly Street:

UPDATE 1/13/2012 - I just found out that her shoe was found near or or near Route 351, northeast of the city center (all I had to go on when doing mapwork in this case was the name of the city where she was abducted).
UPDATE 1/18/2012 - The yellow pin on the map above is at 900 E Holly Street - Police reports released on January 18, 2011 stated for the first time that they thought Sherry was abducted near 900 E.Holly St. which is also where the shoe was found, as it turns out.
The distance between my location and the actual abduction location, according to google maps, is .5 miles.
source: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/01/18/suspects-in-disappearance-montana-teacher-request-extradition-hearing/
UPDATE: Photo of suspects who were arrested in Sherry's kidnapping and murder:
(note one white collar and one blue collar)
This blog content is copyrighted material, owned by the author and not to be reproduced in whole or in part without express permission by said author, who can be contacted at vfs@hourglassdreams Dot Com if necessary.
I wrote "Also I believe that this card may indicate breathing issues" .. it occurs to me now that Sherry was "choked out" according to the statements of those arrested for her murder.